"Good thinking is expensive but poor thinking costs a fortune."
This is why I write. To make sense of what I think and believe.
My essays are about business, psychology and self-development. These essays reflect a quest for a deeper understanding of a topic. They’re inspired by books that I have read and ideas that I have been contemplating.
As these are long-form, I also do a voice-over to go with each of the articles. So if you would rather listen along than read, check out the audio file at the top of each of my essays.
Cows vs. Lions
Naval thinks the being productive over a 40 hour work week is zero and I totally agree.
Reversible and Irreversible Decisions
Being 100% sure that you are making the right decision in any given moment is a waste of time.
Done > Perfect
Perfectionism is a disease. It stops you from getting stuff done and hitting publish - which is far more productive in the long term.
Are we successful due to skill or chance?
How one can bend the probability of luck to be in their favour.